Drop Off and Parking Information
The safety of our students and staff is our top priority, and that applies when students are arriving at and departing from school. It is up to all of us to follow the safety protocols put in place for each school and to create the safest possible environment in our parking lots.
School Parking Lot Protocols & Traffic Flow
Below are the parking lot drop-off and pick-up safety protocols and traffic flow for each school. Contact your school administrator with questions.
Students can be dropped off / picked up in the loop by the main office OR along Pleasant Oak Drive (see map for specifics). If you are using the loop, please pull to the front of the drop-off area and ask your student to quickly exit the vehicle to keep the line moving. If you are dropping off or picking up on Pleasant Oak, please follow directions on traffic signs and use the designated crosswalks / sidewalks.
Los estudiantes pueden ser dejados/recogidos en el circuito por la oficina principal a lo largo de Pleasant Oak Drive (vea el mapa para detalles). Si usa el circuito, por favor diríjase al frente del área de recogida y pídale a su estudiante que salga rápidamente del vehículo para mantener la línea en movimiento. Si va a dejar a recoger en Pleasant Oak, utilice los cruces peatonales /aceras designados.